These stunning placemats are now avaible at Peekazu. Perfect placemats to complement the food you are having. The placemats come in packs of four. Please select the bundle you prefer from the drop down box when purchasing.
Bundle 1- Archirondel Tower, St Ouens Bay, The Bulwarks at St Aubin and Seymour Tower.
Bundle 2 - La Corbiere Lighthouse, Mont Orgueil Castle, Noirmont Point and La Rocco Tower
Bundle 3 - The Jersey Cow, Rozel Bay, Havre des Pas and Grosnez Castle
Bundle 4 - Le Hocq Tower, Tour de Jersey, Bonne Nuit Bay and Elizabeth Castle
Jersey Placemats pack of 4
These placemats are 24cm x 24cm. Placemats can withstand temperatures of up to 140 degrees and can be wiped clean. Placemats come with a sustainably sourced eucalyptus board base